Sunday, April 3, 2011


About a year ago I was asked to take newborn pictures of my dear friends' son. It's unbelievable that an entire year has passed and instead of seeing a tiny baby through my view finder, this time I saw a smiley and big one year old.

Harrison is a sweet and loving little boy with a big smile and an adorable personality. He must have gotten it from his parents.

It always thrills me to see Heidi and Andrew as parents. They're patient and kind and their teamwork is something to be praised. They were relaxed and excited for their pictures and in turn, Harrison was ready to have some fun. Between Heidi and Andrew's tickles and singing and my own husbands "tap dancing", Harrison had plenty to laugh at and the pictures turned out cute as can be.

Enjoy this sneak peek of Harrison's First Birthday photos and Happy Birthday little guy!

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